Posted by Stacy Gold on 2nd March 2017
My Fearless Friday Guest Blog Post
Recently, I had the honor of being a guest blogger for Fearless Friday on Brenda Whiteside’s blog. I couldn’t help but be drawn to the topic, since fearlessness is something I’ve thought a lot about over the years.
From leaving home on my own as a teenager, to kayaking class V rapids, to changing careers and starting (and closing) businesses, to getting married, I’ve done more scary things than I can count on my fingers and toes combined. I’ve even taught classes on how to get past your fears and take action—and it’s not about being fearless. It’s about being scared and doing it anyway.
For those who struggle with fear (and don’t we all?), I included the questions I always ask myself when deciding whether to take the leap, or keep my feet on solid, safe ground.
Embrace the Fear—Take the Risk
By Stacy Gold
At the age of 19, I drove from Georgia to Colorado with my dog, $500 dollars in my pocket, and the promise of a job as a whitewater raft guide. That winter, I decide to ski-bum in Breckenridge—and I didn’t even know how to ski.
People often called me brave, but I never felt brave. They touted my fearlessness, but damn was I scared. Didn’t matter though.
I did what I believed I needed to do at the time, and the consequences of not taking the leap always seemed much worse than the alternative. Even when everything didn’t work out perfectly, in hindsight, I’ve always been glad I took the risk—fears be damned.
Continued…Keep reading on Brenda Whiteside’s blog
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